Compactor conveyor

General Details

For compacting waste screened mate-rial with water drainage

The Hook Service compactor is suitable for installation downstream each type of screen. It consists of a hopper, a compacting system, a conveyance piping and a hydraulic unit or a motorgear. The screened material accumulated in the hopper is pushed by the compacting system into the pressing chamber where a de-watering and compaction process is carried out. Once com-pacted, the screened material is conveyed, by means of a pressure piping, to a suitable container. Drained water is elimi-nated from the pressing chamber and recycled to the treatment process. The different models comply with the different flow to be treated.
The main strength of this equipment consist in the high dewatering and initial compaction capacity of the screened materi-al, elimination of the bad smells also thanks to the typical closed design with special sac.

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